What is a cookie?
On this website we use cookies. A cookie is a simple little file that is sent along with the pages of this website and which is stored on the hard drive of your computer. De information stored in that cookie can be returned to our servers when you visit us again.
Functional cookies: Google Analytics / Universal Analytics
As a part of their "Analytics"-service, the American company Google places a cookie via our website. We use the "Analytics"- service to track and get reports of the way our visitors use this website. These are functional cookies that do not save any personaldata. Google can provide this information to third parties in case they are required by law, or to the extent that third parties process informatie in Google's name. We have no influence over this whatsoever.
The information collected by Google is anonymized to the possible extent. Your IP-adress is not shared. The information is transferred to and saved by Google on servers in the United States. Google claims to uphold the Safe Harbor principles and is affiliated with the Safe Harbor-program of the American Misitry of Commerce. This means that any personal data is protected by the required level of protection.
We would also like to point out the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, which you can use to prevent that your data is collected and used by Google Analytics.
Turning cookies on and off or deleting them
More information about turning cookies on and off and deleting them can be found in the instructions and/or with the Help-option of your browser.
More information about cookies?
On the following websites you can find more information about cookies:
Consumentenbond (Consumers Asscociation): Wat zijn cookies? (What are cookies) | Cookies verwijderen (Delete cookies)
Your Online Choices: A guide to online behavioural advertising
The cookiestatement of cookierecht.nl has been used as a source for the creation of this document. This statement has been put together with the greatest care. However, Stichting Hilversum Marketing is not accountable for any direct or indirect damage that could arise from the use of information offered herein. The contents of
De cookieverklaring van cookierecht.nl heeft als bron gediend bij de totstandkoming van dit document. Deze verklaring is met de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid samengesteld. Echter, Stichting Hilversum Marketing is niet aansprakelijk voor enige directe of indirecte schade die zou kunnen ontstaan door het gebruik van de hierin aangeboden informatie. No rights or claims can be derived from the contents of this statement.